White(gentile) Privilege vs Jewish Privilege.

White(gentile) Privilege vs Jewish Privilege.

Nobody can deny that pre 1970s there was certainly white privilege in America. There was open overt racism, implicit racism and systemic racism. Racism obviously hasn't died yet and some systemic disadvantages may exist in certain areas for minorities still but officially everyone has equal rights and racism is on life support. There are also a ton of advantages various minorities get through affirmative action, lessened university entrance standards, free scholarships etc. But it is true that whites have a higher median income than most other races. I'm using 2020-2021 statistics because they include all races but other years are similar. White median household income was at $74,912, gone up a bit today but so have all the other races. Blacks: $45,870(I usually see that a little higher) Hispanic: $55,321 And then the overall median is $67,521 But Asians are actually above whites at $94,903 and it's generally the first 2 generations of asians on American soil that are hyper productive before Lazy American Culture takes over thr family. But that means the ones fresh off the boat barely speaking business are the ones making it passed that lower class wall that even I as a white man born in a middle class family with 3 college degrees and 17 years of work experience haven't made it out of. So this either means the systemic racism doesn't effect asians, hardly exists or Asian work ethic just overpowers it, not to mention the asians are very organized in their immigration and have specific niches of industry they are organized in so it's not ALL individual effort. They've been organizing immigration and business since the days where the Chinese worked the railroads in the 1800s. But then asians and whites have actually been discriminated against in universities, especially asians because they almost always got good grades and the far left thought it was unfair that they studied so much and started making their standards higher in certain universities. Also the income distribution by race is a lot lower in the younger generation. The rich white boomers who got rich easy in a great economy AND with privilege just sit on their wealth and horde it while their children and grandchildren suffer. Even millenials who come from wealthier families, work 2 jobs, have a college education etc. Usually can't get out the working class. But let's get to the main point. Ashkenazi jews have a median household income of $188,000 a year. 70% of senior executives on Wallstreet are either jewish or married to jews, 4 out of 6 of the media companies that control 90% of US media have jewish CEOs. They also head Blackrock which has tremendous political and economic power. They have a firm called Black Cube that tries to protect them from scandals by digging up dirt on the victims. AND jews can get interest free loans at certain banks putting them at a huge financial advantage. And they are only 2% of the population So by the numbers jews are much wealtier and more privileged than gentile whites. Its an objective fact. But yet whites constantly get told we are privileged. And there's millions of whites slaving away working 2 hard jobs barely paying rent and we are called Privileged for being white and being male. And this is completely socially acceptable. But if you say "jewish privilege" your life is over. You lose your job, you're labeled as a nazi, everyone hates you etc. Also whites are blamed for all the problems and of course slavery and genocide of the Indians etc. But plenty of jews were involved in the slave trade in Brazil, their religious books have OPEN racism glorified. Racial supremacy is at the center of their religion, and they are committing genocide RIGHT NOW while we all pay for it And again it is socially acceptable to be as racist as you want towards whites but not any other group. The argument for why that is with other races is because whites are historically the dominant group so it's okay. But jews have dominated over whites for a long time. The perfect symbol of that is Evelyn Rothschild poking Prince(now king) Charles in the chest in a commanding way when the first lady of the United States couldn't even shake the Queen's hand without controversy. If they are the wealthiest and most privileged race then why is it still free game to be maximum racist to whites but not jews? Its 100% legal and protected by the first amendment to say anything racist to or about anyone... but for the first time in American history a law prohibiting negative speech towards jews, the jewish religion, the jewish race, and Israel's government has passed through the House of Representatives and still awaiting a vote in the senate. It may soon be ILLEGAL to even disagree with bombing children. Nobody can deny this is an unfair double standard. Whites aren't even top 2 wealthiest races. We are number THREE. And I already know all the responses will be "BuT THe hOloCAusT". You can't just give everyone a pass because of one event in history that effected people like them. Stop that shit.

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​ ![img](losfkwepnede1)

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"> I

Kangna Sharma


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I lost all hope...

So basically I 27M, have been with my ex 23F for about 2.5 years. She left me a couple of months ago, for the hundredth time, but now for good, which I don't really mind, cuz it was awful, but it left me empty and destroyed. I'm well above average guy looks wise and I'd like to think slightly above avg intelligence also, and she's really not that good looking or smart, but she always pushed the right buttons for me). The thing about me is that I don't really get into relationships(had 2 serious ones, and also pretty hard when everyone is superficially interested in you), but if i do i'm like till death do as apart, which she knew. So in the last three years she broke up with me like 30 times, without ever changing any dynamic between us only she wouldn't talk to me for a week or two, and then she dm me whatsupp. But meanwhile she fucked some dudes(not just on the breaks, on 2/3 days ghostings also), and always lied about it. That was my only question always, if something happened or not, and if not i was okay with it. In three years she completely destroyed all my perception about myself (if i'm good enough, or even able to have a normal relationship), and i also got set back financially and career wise from all the drama. Last week she came running to me(cuz she knows i'm always there for her), because ''she dumped'' the new guy, because he was cheating on her and getting in my bed and asking for kisses and stuff....and when i softened up, and gave her what she wanted she took off asap, without a word. The cherry on top was that a couple of days ago she tracked me down in a pub, when i was drunk, and we had a fun time and crashed at my place(without sex), but the morning after she spilled her guts, about how she was cheating on me and lying about it for 2.5 years(in her eyes is still completely acceptable btw), and how she was manipulating me throughout. And she was crying about her couple month old relationship to me, that he was doing the same thing with her and she got dumped. Btw she cheated on him, WITH ME, without my knowledge, while i still thought that we were together, they were already dating. And just now i saw her accidentally, while she was going to the guys place. I really can't fucking believe that these kind of people exist, and lastly I can't fucking believe that I can be this fucking stupid to not see and to let one in my life and give her my all, while all my friends and family said beware. (also you can guess I wasn't the best version of myself, with all drama going on, but ffs, this is something else) Ohh, and one guy she was screwing was her screensaver for three months, which screwed with my head, but I let it go, cuz he's just a friend! And when she confessed about it last time i asked if she wasn't feeling any guilt about it she said he was just a friend. FFS i never got dicked down by a friend...

it looks like one is biting the lower lip of the other lol

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