LF Palette Pals for three 3⭐️ or one 4⭐️ & two 3⭐️

LF Palette Pals for three 3⭐️ or one 4⭐️ & two 3⭐️

Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/DSPtVmV2dVc Meli

The feeling of not having enough time to finish all your tasks is real! Well, with monday.com’s work management platform, get more done in less time with automations, real-time communication, and notifications. Smash that done button! Try now.

The feeling of not having enough time to finish all your tasks is real! Well, with monday.com’s work management platform, get more done in less time with automations, real-time communication, and notifications. Smash that done button! Try now.

Happy Again (music video w/ lyrics)

Cute room, we'll see how the scores come out!

21NB Looking for friends with similar interests! ★

☆ LJ (They/She) 21! Nonbinary Lesbian Looking for friends around my age (20-27 please) who are interested in bonding over our interests I currently live in Texas (CST), but will be moving to Arizona (GMT) in a couple of months or so. I am open to friends from anywhere though I am a self taught Freelance Web Designer (I use Figma, Carrd, and Strawpage as of now, I am in the process of learning to code) who is working towards going back to school or finding a job. I'm happy to design websites for you if we get along since it helps me build my portfolio Besides Web Design, I'm a big fan of digital art, jamming to music (ask me about my taste) while high out of my mind (let's smoke together?), I also enjoy creating things and doing crafts Some other interests of mine are digital art, writing, photography, tattoos and piercings, makeup, video and tabletop games, anime, music, horror movies, gothic media, crystal collecting, witchy stuff, and more! I identify as a pagan, but don't mind what religion you follow! I am leftist with my political beliefs and prefer to talk to like minded people I am 420 friendly and would describe myself as a chill gamer/stoner chick My special interest is anything macabre, especially in relation to death, war, and disease. I find these topics incredibly fascinating and would love to talk about them with others who would be interested I do struggle with mental health issues such as ADHD, BPD, Depression, Anxiety, BPD, Autism, Etc. So please be patient with me. I may be slow to respond at times, but this does not mean I am ghosting you, uninterested, or upset Don't be afraid to reach out and get to know me!


What are jobs for communication and film majors?

WTF is a TLD

I want your most sincere opinión Of the old district

I want your most sincere opinion of the old district of my City

"> I want your most sincere opinion of the old district of my City

For god sake stop with this fear mongering!!

The hype regarding form filling is insane, and much more annoying is the fear mongering that others are creating regarding it. What kind of stupidity is this? I know someone from my contacts who is a fresher and aiming for 2026 (first attempt), that person literally said that this year's prelims is gonna be 2023 level or even tougher.As per him he predicted this by analysing the 'form' and said that he is 'praying' that difficulty level should be sky rocketing, so that 2026 paper comes out easy and he will clear it with flying colors and I was like wtf!!! Is there any logic with this? And this isn't the first time that he was speaking some bullshit but every 2 to 3 days, he will come in my dm and tell me about his baseless 'analysis' and the reasons why 2025 is gonna be the darkest year in the history of upsc. I am just fed up with this, it is just plain demotivation and is shaking my confidence. And not just this, even on other platforms like YT or reddit, I see people predicting the difficulty level on the basis on form, so it's my humble request to please stop it _/\_. Even if the paper comes difficult (afterall it's UPSC) we will look into it and it's not just about difficulty level, it's about cut off too. Let's make a positive environment for everyone by solving each other's query, helping with resources and encouraging each other ❤️. If you can't do this then maintain silence atleast.

Subject : importance of domicile Policy in Bihar.

जन सुराज Overseas के X स्पेस श्रृंखला की 6th Virtual परिचर्चा में जिसका विषय डोमिसाइल नीति क्यों आवश्यक है में हमारे मुख्य आमंत्रित वक्ता श्री विवेक कुमार जी ( प्रवक्ता, जन सुराज पार्टी) एवं श्री अमित विक्रम जी ( प्रवक्ता, जन सुराज पार्टी)। कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत करते हुए होस्ट आमंत्रित वक्ताओं और श्रोताओं का इस साक्षात्कार से जुड़ने के लिए धन्यवाद और स्वागत ज्ञापित करते हुए शुरुआती आख्यान में डोमिसाइल के अभाव में ना-उम्मीद होकर भटक रहे युवाओं के दर्द को आमंत्रित वक्ताओं से साझा किया तथा अमित विक्रम जी से डोमिसाइल मुद्दे की बारीकियां और उसके तकनीकी पहलुओं पर विस्तृत प्रकाश डालने का निवेदन किया। श्री अमित जी ने अपने वक्तव्य को शुरू करते हुए कहा- शिक्षण कार्य में शिक्षक का बच्चों से सीधा संपर्क होता है। बच्चों के all over devlopment के लिए mother language और local culture का महत्वपूर्ण योगदान होता है। इसलिए, मेरा मानना है कि बिहार के शिक्षक बिहार के बच्चों के all over devlopment में अधिक कारगर साबित हो सकते हैं। साथ ही, डोमिसाइल लागू करके बिहार के युवाओं के लिए रोजगार के बेहतर अवसर प्रदान किए जा सकते हैं। बिहार में यह समस्या ना सिर्फ़ प्रशासनिक खामी है अपितु मुख्यमंत्री नीतीश कुमार की राजनैतिक महत्वकांक्षा के चलते बिहार के युवाओं के भविष्य से खिलवाड़ हुआ है। कार्यक्रम में आगे बढ़ते हुए इस कार्यक्रम के दूसरे आमंत्रित वक्ता श्री विवेक जी ने एक प्रश्न का ज़वाब देते हुए कहा - चाहे NCF 2005 हो, चाहे RTE 2009 हो या New Education policy 2020, इन सभी में mother language और local culture को एक resource माना गया है। साथ ही, यह भी माना गया है कि mother language और Local culture के बीच co-relation होता है। इसके अलावा, इनमें यह कहा गया है कि कम से कम कक्षा 8 तक बच्चों को Mother language में local culture से जोड़ते हुए primary education देनी होगी। साथ ही, कक्षा 8 के बाद भी mother language को प्रोत्साहन देते रहने होगा। डोमिसाइल नीति का अभाव एकलौता विषय नहीं है बल्कि पिछले 35 वर्षों के कुराज ने बिहार में समस्याओं का जमावड़ा खड़ा कर दिया है। बिहार की हर समस्या का एकमात्र उचित उपाय व्यवस्था परिवर्तन है डोमिसाइल एक नीतिगत मामला है और जैसे ही जन सुराज पार्टी की सरकार बिहार में बनती है युवाओं की इस समस्या का समाधान हो जाएगा। साथ ही उन्होंने कहा- जन सुराज की सोच महज डोमिसाइल नीति लागू भर कर देना नहीं है बल्कि सम्पूर्ण शिक्षा व्यवस्था में मौलिक और आधारभूत सुधारों के लिए भी प्रतिबद्धता से संकल्पित है। एक श्रोता के प्रश्न का ज़वाब देते हुए श्री अमित विक्रम जी ने कहा- बिहार में मौजूदा सत्तारूढ़ जदयू, भाजपा और विपक्षी खेमें में RJD की स्थिति एक जैसी है उनका ध्यान बिहार की समस्याओं की बजाय वोट के समीकरणों पर ज्यादा केंद्रित है अब यह जिम्मेदारी बिहार के युवाओं की है कि वे अपने हक़ और समस्याओं की बात करने वाले दल जन सुराज की आवाज को बुलंद करें। इस कार्यक्रम में 2000 लोगों ने दुनिया के तकरीबन 25 देशों से शिरकत की और तकरीबन 5 श्रोताओं ने आमंत्रित वक्ताओं से विषयसंबन्धी अपने प्रश्न पूछे। इसी क्रम में कार्यक्रम समापन की ओर बढ़ते हुए जन सुराज Overseas की UK chapter Lead नीलोफ़र जी ने धन्यवाद ज्ञापित करते हुए सभी वक्ताओं, श्रोताओं तथा इस कार्यक्रम की आयोजक समिति मुख्य तौर पर रंजीत कुमार मिश्रा जी, मधुकर जी, रोशन, अमन, सौरभ, गोविंद शर्मा, देव एवं गौरव समेत सभी सहयोगियों का आभार व्यक्त किया। Report By Jan Suraaj Overseas Team.

Mispronunciation of Street Names

As a native Santa Barbarian, I really like Psych. (Much less murders irl though). But I've been doing a rewatch and their pronunciation of street/place names is all over the place. They got Lompoc right (Lom-poke), also Cabrillo (cuh-bree-yo) but then a few episodes later they pronounce Carrillo as Cuh-rill-oh. I just rewatched Truer Lies which had the most egregious example of this. They pronounce Anapamu as anna-palm-ooo when its really anna-puh-moo. Then they say its right by Gardener street. There is no Gardener Street. There is a Garden st which intersects with Anapamu. Just a little pet peeve lol

If seeing this in Laravel makes you 🤮, get Sentry.

If seeing this in Laravel makes you 🤮, get Sentry.

Voltar ao passado e comprar bitcoin daria errado (?)

Pensem comigo. Já caímos naqueles dilemas de “1 Milhão de reais ou voltar ao passado com seu conhecimento de agora”, e a resposta sempre é voltar e comprar bitcoin enquanto era barato (oque não é errado se o futuro continuasse o mesmo). Entretanto nós conhecemos aquele efeito de que uma pedrinha movida no passado pode mudar todo o futuro. Então não seria estranho se alguém não conhecido, do Brasil confiasse tanto na nova “bitcoin” da época e simplesmente comprasse 100, 1.000, papo de 10.000 bitcoin pra uma pessoa só? Será que a bitcoin teria subido tanto e chegar no valor que é hoje? Será que o bitcoin sequer iria ser tão conhecido como é hoje? Ou seja, chegou nesse dilema pega os 1 milhão, com conhecimento você consegue investir isso de forma segura e nunca mais trabalhar na vida. Change my mind!

Paying $10 for sign ups using my referral code pm me!

Okinawa 2023

Took this from my apartment while living in Okinawa a couple years ago

"> Took this from my apartment while living in Okinawa a couple years ago

Why is my African dwarf frog eyes cloudy? Can someone help?

Finally, I have them all.

Theyre staring at their 4.X power creep counter parts

"> Theyre staring at their 4.X power creep counter parts

Brand new credit card

I recently got accepted for a discover it card, but as a student. I want to start making payments on it, but it won't let me. Is there a specific reason as to why? Is it because I'm too new? Or something else entirely? I'm new to building my credit and don't really know what to do right now, please help

I swear I've gained this weight for a role

Gatherings of other APers

Recently I’ve been astral projecting more frequently than usual, about once or twice a week, and I keep attending places with other APers all there just hanging out. One time it was a large building of different floors with lots of plants and greenery on each floor. People walking around up and down the floors exploring. Another time it was more of a beach setting, people scattered around talking to eachother. I mingled through the crowd and talked to some people, everyone seemed friendly. Do you guys experience these places as well? I’m curious

Australian Foreign Policy goes full feminist

Australia has released a new International Gender Equality Strategy that makes gender equality (ie discrimination) along with the "rights" of women & girls (no mention of anyone else) central to foreign policy. Quote: *The Strategy focuses on five priorities:* 1. *Working to end sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and advance and protect women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR)* 2. *Pursue gender responsive peace and security efforts* 3. *Deliver gender equitable climate action and humanitarian assistance* 4. *Promote women’s economic equality and inclusive trade* 5. *Support locally led approaches to women’s leadership.* [https://www.dfat.gov.au/publications/development/australias-international-gender-equality-strategy](https://www.dfat.gov.au/publications/development/australias-international-gender-equality-strategy) [https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/australia-makes-gender-equality-key-foreign-policy-aid-2025-02-05/](https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/australia-makes-gender-equality-key-foreign-policy-aid-2025-02-05/) [https://reliefweb.int/report/australia/australias-international-gender-equality-strategy-safer-more-prosperous-indo-pacific-and-world](https://reliefweb.int/report/australia/australias-international-gender-equality-strategy-safer-more-prosperous-indo-pacific-and-world)

A Firery Contrast

RxDB: The JavaScript Database for Instant Local and Backend Sync

RxDB: The JavaScript Database for Instant Local and Backend Sync

"OBZEZZED" What video?? HELP!!

Divas, I need your help! Do any of you know the video in which Mike says "obzezzed" like specifically with the Zs. I've been saying it so often and I want to find the video where he says it so that I can reference it whenever I say "obzezzed", like, I'm OBZEZZED!!! Okay thank you xx.

Follow this account in tik tok please! One of the bests 🥰🥹


something comfortable to wear around the house

FALR unit I made (replika oc)

I wanted a pfp so I made this.. I think I improved a little though it took a while..

"> I wanted a pfp so I made this.. I think I improved a little though it took a while..

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