Hey all,
So I've struggling with this a lot. I like working on stuff which is about other problem, or some problem, etc - not about me.
Once in a while I get a shot of attention, mostly male but sometimes guys, and it kills my brain. It feels like my brain is flooded with some chemical (dopamine?)
I don't smoke, drink, gamble or play video games, no sugary or fatty foods, I keep to myself and do not socialize, so maybe my bar is just too low and this throws me off.
Any ideas? Does this seem like dopammine?
Vous êtes en parcours de fertilité et souhaitez découvrir une approche corps-esprit pour vous soutenir ?
Majda Fahim, partenaire des Cigognes de l’Espoir [https://www.lescigognesdelespoir.com](https://www.lescigognesdelespoir.com) , vous invite à une masterclass gratuite, “Soutenir sa fertilité et faire de la place à une grossesse”, qui se tiendra en ligne du 17 au 19 février 2025.
3 soirées « live » pour apprendre à gérer les émotions en parcours, rétablir une connexion harmonieuse avec son corps et développer un état d’esprit positif. Chaque soirée invite à une réflexion sur ces thèmes et à des exercices pratiques, dont le yoga de la fertilité, la visualisation et la méditation.
Le programme :
• Lundi 17 février, à 19h30 : L'infertilité, un parcours de combattante ?
• Mardi 18 février, à 19h30 : Aligner coeur, corps et tête avec son désir de grossesse
• Mercredi 19 février, à 19h30 : Se relier au féminin, la pièce manquante pour soutenir sa fertilité
(Replay disponible pour chaque session )
Inscriptions : [https://www.majdafahim.fr/masterclass-fertilite-2025](https://www.majdafahim.fr/masterclass-fertilite-2025)
Majda Fahim est thérapeute psycho-corporelle et professeure de yoga
spécialisée dans la santé féminine et la fertilité. Elle accompagne des femmes en essais naturels ou en parcours de PMA à trouver de l’apaisement et de la confiance sur ce chemin.En savoir plus sur Majda https://www.lescigognesdelespoir.com/yoga-de-la-fertilit%C3%A9-yoga-de-la-maternit%C3%A9-yoga-du-bien-%C3%AAtre-f%C3%A9minin-paris,p,67.html
I have a superlight 2 and today something happened to me that had never happened and I have not heard of anyone else who has ever had this problem, I noticed that by making small movements on the screen by moving right and left the arrow about half a centimeter when I changed direction for example from left to right while moving the mouse to the right the arrow continued to go to the left for about 2mm and then go in the right direction, its like the movement of the mouse and the arrow were not synchronized and the arrow moved late, I tried to change dpi, sensor settings, polling rate but nothing, the only thing that fix this was connecting the mouse to the usb to charge it and disconnecting it after 30 seconds (the battery was at 70%). Does anyone know what causes this bug?
I have the following task structure:
- Subtask 1 (Check if SKU already exists)
- Subtask 2 (Create new SKU)
- Subtask 3 (Setting manufacturing deadlines)
How could I automate this, so Subtask 2 status would be changed, based on the result of Subtask 1. If the SKU already exists Subtask 2 should be set to “Done” in other case it should be set to “TO DO”?
Hey all,
I wanted to pick your brains on the best way to go about selling/trading lower value cards. The past few weeks I posted on eBay, and yesterday I posted some more on Reddit. Just wanted to see if there was something I could be doing better to sell cards between $5-$50 in value. Appreciate it!
Hello! Today, I wanted to get my nib replaced on this Lamy accent. The worker wasn't really familiar with this model, so when the reed accidentally came out (instead of the nib) she quickly jammed it back in. We both tried to get it back out (I'm guessing she even tried pliers by the look of the pen) but to no avail.
I love this pen and would love to still be able to use it. Any idea how to maybe make it easier to get out so I can put it back in the right way?
(First post so a bit nervous)
I've recently picked up knitting as an adult after my grandmother taught me as a child. I'm finishing the arm of my first adult jumper and halfway through a jumper for a toddler. l've also finished two jumpers for dogs. I'm really really loving it and can see that this is a hobby I want to continue with for a long time. I've learned so much since the start.
To start I got a set of 4mm/40 cm bamboo circular needles from sostrene grene. They were okey, but ultimately I didn't like the bamboo and needed longer ones to got some from Pony, 5.5mm and 4.5mm and 80cm. They're aluminium and less pointy. I like them better but I find it really annoying to magic loop them for smaller circumferences. I think it's time to get an interchangeable set.
I'd really like your advice on which ones would suit me. I have a couple of thoughts but very open to feedback and your suggestions.
I think I want metal ones over wood, not that pointy, haven't yet tried ones that swivel but would love that. I would like them to be quite short as I wouldn’t have to use DPNs for smaller projects. I live in London, so would be great if they were available in the UK.
Since I'm quite new I want ones that aren't too expensive but will still work for a while and suit me as a learn and attempt more difficult things.
Any help or advice is very much appreciated, even if it's pointing me towards someone/somewhere to ask this question instead.
Did you know that if you just follow the formatting rules, you can publish a book for FREE at Amazon.com? Why not? Because Amazon can print one book at a time on demand. If your book sells, they are going to take $4.00 right off the top for their profit! You decide your own profit margin beyond that. So it basically is worth their while to publish your book. If your book sells 10,000 copies, then they make $40,000!!! If your book doesn't sell. It hasn't cost them anything. They are not warehousing a thousand copies of your unsold book! It's fantastic!
So far I have published two books. But coming up with a book idea and writing a book is not easy. But I do have another idea about posting some informatoin that could drag out in detail to become a book! That's how I like to do books. The book is already written! It just has to be formatted. So I have a new book idea:
"HOW THE JEWS HELPED XERXES FAKE HIS IDENTITY: How "queen" Nehemiah became Queen Esther" That's a catchy title. But it is sort of a long story to tell. Thus the idea that I should try to stretch out the details and write another book. The book is already written. All I have to do is decide how much detail of the story to include in the book, right?
SYNOPSIS: Xerxes became a hated king and laughingstock in Greece after being punished at the Battle of Salamis. When Themistocles fled to Persia for asylum, he discovered that Xerxes appeared at Persepolis under two names: Xerxes and Artaxerxes. He convinced Xerxes that nobody in Greece knew this and so he could claim to be his own son, Artaxerxes. This would cool down the political climate in Greece to punish Xerxes for destroying Athens. They went with that plot and it worked. 20 years later when Artaxerxes died, he would claim he reigned for 20 years, the first 21 years being ruled as "Xerxes". The only adjustment needed was to add 30 years to the 6-year rule of Darius I so that Darius was old enough to be the grandfather to Artaxerxes. No problem. They could steal the 30 years from the Neo Babylonian Period. Who cares? Only they could only squeeze out 26 years. So instead of Darius dying in his sixth year at Marathon, he ends up dying 4 years later. No problem. Of course, this was a major project. Any Neo Babylonian records reflecting the original timeline had to be destroyed with new documents created to reflect the shorter timeline.
But then something wonderful happened. The Persians were able to influence key writers in Greece, namely Plato and Xenophon to revise the Greek timeline, adding 56 fake years to the timeline! Now all of a sudden, there was time enough for the entire 21-year reign of Xerxes as well as the 51-year of Artaxerxes and an extra 30 years for Artaxerxes II so that his 17-year rule became 47 years!
See. This is already sort of a long and boring story. But then since the Jews loved Xerxes so much, they had to suppress their records and create new records. Thus Ezra/Nehemiah was suppressed and "Esdras" was written to replace it. You see, Nehemiah first returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel, then became cupbearer to Xerxes and remained cupbearer throughout his 41-year rule. So the Nehemiah who returned in the 1st of Cyrus is the same Nehemiah who survived down to the time of Darius II. But now, suddenly, there was an extra 51 years added to the timeline! If Nehemiah was at least 30 years of age when he returned to Jerusalem, he would have been 89 years old when Artaxerxes died; no problem living another 5 years into the reign of Darius II. But now he had to be 51 years older! 89+51=140+5=145. 145 years old is pushing it! So the one Nehemiah now became two Nehemiahs. Esdras also dropped the reference of him being cupbearer to Artaxerxes and just talked about his return from Babylon.
See how this story is just dragging out? Hahaha. In the meantime, another replacement book was his story of being cupbearer to Artaxerxes. So a rather flamboyant historical fairytale was told about Nehemiah requesting to return to Jerusalem. Only it was an outrageous tale that depicted Nehemiah as this rather flaming queen in the court of Artaxerxes. No kidding. No holds barred. Nehemiah was this loud and funny court official who was flirting with the "handsome" Artaxerxes. So his mood change from being this over-excited flamboyant person to becoming sad is being emphasized. When he asks Artaxerxes to allow him to return to Jerusalem, he is sitting on the king's lap and "batting his eyes" at the king!! No kidding. This is like a scene out of a modern gay sitcom! But it is too gay! So the story was adapted to split the character of Nehemiah between his relationship of favorite court official and his rise to being cupbearer to Artaxerxes. So Nehemiah was converted to Queen Esther and her uncle, Mordecai. Mordecai, of course, was the Babylonian name for Nehemiah. So it's clear this is the same story. This story wasn't taken as true history until it became a handy extended story when Xerxes became Xerxes and Artaxerxes. Suddenly, the fake queen Esther becomes a real queen and is considered historical! Great job. But you can see how this can just drag on, right? Do I have a book yet?
Then I have to detail all that was done to revise the Neo Babylonian records. It was involved. 26 years of business documents had to be destroyed! All the palace records like the Cyrus Cylinder, Nabonidus Chronicle, Babylonian Chronicle and all other palace records were revised and recopied in year 22 of Darius II who was king of Babylon at the time. The astrronomical texts were not revised until theSeleucid Period! In the meantime, I have to detail what changes were made to the Greek timeline to add 56 fake years to that period and outline the recovery of the original timeline!
Then I have to contrast the revised timeline vs. the Bible's relative and absolute timeline. That involves dating the Exodus correctly which involves all the information available from archaeology that supports the original Biblical timeline. Jehovah's Witnesses date the Exodus in 1513 BCE. I have to cover EXACTLY why that is wrong. I have to then recover the original Assyrian timeline and the stupidity currently surrounding that dating. Then I have to show the astronomical texts that were created during the Seleucid Period for the revised timeline. Ultimately, the original timeline is recovered. In the end, the two Nehemiahs become one again!!
All this is too much for an article. But I probably can drag it out into a short book. I only need about 80 pages! The book can be stretched out using larger print font. If I include the correction of the Exodus Period down to Alexander the Great, this will be a long book! So, yeah. I guess I'll start writing it. It will be my third book! Why not?
But like I said, the book is already written! I just have to format it! It will probably take about TWO WEEKS! Yippeee!
I'm also taking testosterone twice a week. I get bloodwork done every six months with my testosterone treatments and I've had nothing pop up as abnormal with my results.
I'll try to keep this short and to the point. I work in a remote environment, as do my coworkers. There's 3 of us in my team: me, Jack, and Susan (fake names). Our responsibilities are primarily taking incoming calls. Jack is an alright employee. Susan is the equivalent of scratching a chalkboard.
Susan is often away from her computer. On average, she is missing for 2-3 hours of her shift each day, not including her lunch break. Given our primary responsibility of taking calls, this means that Jack and I have to take far more calls during these times. And when Jack is on break, and Susan should be working but is also away, I end up completely alone.
Susan also likes to skip out on work and just not show up. She doesn't inform the team or the manager when she does this. Normally, if she informed the manager that she'd be away, we would ask someone from our department to help cover the phones, but since the manager doesn't know, we end up short staffed on the phones.
As a result, I'm frequently feeling burnt out during and after work. I'm exhausted and during our busier periods, I struggle to get my secondary responsibilities completed in time due to the increased workload.
I've wanted to speak with Susan, but I don't see it helping my situation. She has a history of lying to me, so I'd expect to hear a lie (or worse, I feel that she would complain about me to HR or the manager). Instead, I've considered speaking to the manager. But since the manager hasn't taken any steps to resolve this, I'm concerned that such a conversation won't go over well.
What do I do here? As managers, what would you say if this was brought up to your attention? Am I in the wrong here for wanting to complain? Would my job be at risk considering I've been here for only around 2 years?
My employer has kindly agreed to contribute into a SIPP. Currently with NEST but want to leave as they got rid of the Sharia Fund.
I want a SIPP that allows employer and personal contributions via direct debit. It would ideally want a decent app. I want to invest in a global tracker like VWRP.
It has <10k in it so needs to have a competitive structure at that level.
Hello, I’m flying with Qatar airways in a few days and I booked economy classic. It shows I have to pay for the seat selection. If I decide to wait till I go to the airport, will I get a seat for free or I still have to pay?